. took today off too. time to just be is so important.
. back on my gallon a day.
. every time we shop he is in a mood and he rushes me and I forget stuff and its fucking annoying but I did get most of the stuff I need to prep for my test on wed.
. cases are up - highest since the pandemic began and i notice its mostly men and young people not masked. why is that? do they think they are immortal? it is privilege? it is a you cant tell me what to do? or are they just selfish assholes mostly? I hate masks cause I get claustrophobic and can’t breathe but I wear one.
. rained all day. glad I got a park sit in yesterday. I hope this is not the end of summer.
. "It's only a dry spell if you are thirsty." - Shrill
. i want someone to take me to the mountains and breathe with me and sit and hold my hand while we marvel at the world.
. Cori Kelly <3 that news was sad. prayers for her family as she travels to the ancestors.
. had my fave pho for the first time since Feb. I needed that healing broth and there was no one in the restaurant.