. went to a motorcycle show with Niki but we went to buy jewelry. 25 years ago it would be to flirt with guys and wear cut-offs and cowboy boots and listen to the sound of Harley’s which always makes my nether regions quiver but now it’s amazing jewelry made by a friend and vintage jumpsuits with pockets.
. and after there was fried chicken in my park in the sun and talking for hours.
. it felt…normal. meeting a bestie at the corner, wandering and looking at stalls, making up back stories, sitting in the sun - it feels so long since we did something like that. there have been no flea markets or neighbourhood wide yard sales which is a chunk of our Saturday activity. Even with the masks and the distancing it was familiar. I miss it so much.
. “Sometimes you don’t want “love and light.” Sometimes you want “shadows and secrets.” It isn’t the sun you crave, but the moon. I will sit with you in the dark.” ~ Victoria Erickson
. started in on this show called P Valley about a strip joint deep in Mississippi and I am obsessed.
. completely took the day off from work and after getting the tour page done I needed it and I am so glad I did.
. we both want to redecorate again cause we both hate our couches. makes sense. how can I love my place and hate my couch?
. the moon is eye level and she is talking to me. not full yet but i see her.
. blank slate moon
candle by Design Judge