. Patreon thoughts. Thank you Monica. x
. I miss yard sales and flea markets.
. Lola spent the entire day sleeping under her cat tree on her back with curl paws. her cute might kill me.
. thinking about some things a friend said on a comment thread about other people who comment and how she called them “joiners” and said they “jumped on” and I hate that because if implies that the people I am in community with are not capable of forming their own opinions and it’s just rude to imply that when people are genuinely asking for clarification on a statement.
. find your people and the spaces that help you keep it together so you have capacity for the revolution - FBT
. the sheer luxury of grocery delivery.
. I bought kale but only for smoothies cause the texture of it in a salad is gross. I stand by that.
. all the men who want a freak in bed who are clutching their pearls over WAP. spare me
. “ choose your favourite spade and dig a small, deep hole, located deep in the forest or a desolate area of the desert or tundra. bury your cell phone and then find a hobby.” ~ Nick Offerman, Paddle Your Own Canoe - from the chapter work hard, work dirty.