. she died on election night at 7:05 pm 5 years ago and I wonder what she would say and what my dad would say about the shit show of politics all over the world because they were interested and informed and it was always a topic of conversation.
. woke up at 5 am and looked outside and the moon was blood orange and peeking at me over the trees. It was stunning and I felt seen.
. big little lies
. I need a personal chef.
. this heat is healing me. Even with the meno symptoms I am made for this heat.
. excited for tomorrow
. Full Bush september to august. and so it is.
. @roblowe did a 6 minute skin care video on his IG and I was mesmerized. He is a forever crush since the Outsiders (stay gold Ponyboy) and my mom fell in love with him on West Wing.
. “out of backyard posies permitted to fringe the proud hanky lawn her imagination hummed and made honey, occasionally exploding in mad queen swarms. I am her only novel. The plot is melodramatic.” My Mother’s Novel - from Marge Piercy, the Moon is Always Female