. Working on the Covet prompt for the Full Bush Tour and one of the questions I am asking is what do you covet that isn't real? For me it's always the Acme products from The Road Runner. A portable hole in a briefcase. A paint on train tunnel. I could create havoc on people who are mean to me with both of those.
. Thinking about that time a rock slide made us turn back and we got a (too expensive) room at a Bates motel but played tunes and had beers in the parking lot and had the best talk ever and had great sex and we were so fucking in love it hurts to think about but we got up early and took a different route and drove into the sunrise on a windy mountain road drinking coffee and holding hands and singing out loud and I want to feel that way again.
. Lola is not impressed with my redecoration. She hates change apparently. She is screaming at me more than usual and if you know her then you know she screams a lot for no reason. Guess she has a reason now. Note that it was HER giant cat tree that started it and she handled THAT change very well.
. "What I know is that it's going to be better. If it's bad, it might get worse, but I know that it's going to be better. And you have to know that. There's a country song out now, which I wish I'd written, that says, 'Every storm runs out of rain.' I'd make a sign of that if I were you. Put that on your writing pad. No matter how dull and seemingly unpromising life is right now, it's going to change. It's going to be better. But you have to keep working." Maya Angelou - this drifted past my radar the other day and I wrote it down because it gives me hope.
. I miss hugging my friends.
. I want us all to stop apologizing, right now in this and forever more, about how we look or the state of our homes. I know no one is coming still but we are all doing video. I haven't washed my hair in over a week. I did a face mask that felt good on but after I looked like a lobster for two days and my bathroom needs cleaning. I have a corner filled with marketplace listings stuff and unhung artwork. None of that needs my apology or a disclaimer or an explanation (which I am tempted to write as I write this so you see how ingrained it is). These "standards" that somehow make us worthy or better need to go. Stacy and I talked about this ages ago when we were on video and I felt like immediately apologizing for the mess behind me and I had forgotten about it til now. So no more ok. No one cares and no one is judging. And if they are..fuck em. Seriously.
. Every night when i go to bed I turn down the heat and lock up and set my alarm and plug in my phone and open the drapes for mama moon and as I am doing my skin care ritual I call Lola and say come to bed and she runs into my room yelling and jumps up on the bed and circles 3 times like a dog and settles down ON my pillow in the exact centre of the bed looking so pleased with herself and leaving no room for me. It's our little ritual and it makes me go to sleep laughing because she tries to get "heavy" when I move her and she purrs so hard she vibrates and she is everything to me and I love her.
. Found a gorgeous 70’s teak mirror at the thrift today for my front entrance. I can check that off my covet list.
. We need each other because the wellness train has left the station for toxicville and since this online self care world started I have seen more people feel bad about themselves in an industry that is supposed to make them feel good and it's fucked and maybe this is my next letter. The cliques. The lies. The positivity culture. The erasure.
. I didn’t say you can’t sit with me but I did say I am sitting over there and you didn’t want to come.
(day 3 of Effy Wild’s April blog along.)