. “we are all made of stars” ~ Chani Nicholas - virgo new moon: Without a time-out, it’s nearly impossible to be connected to what moves me, heals me, and holds me. What I do behind the scenes is the reason that I can do everything else. No amount of affection I show myself is ever in vain. With this New Moon, I remember to withhold no love from myself. I imagine what it would be to feel flooded with it each morning; to start the day caring for myself instead of rushing; appreciating what I was about to receive instead of assuming it would be there for me. I know that pain makes it harder to experience gratitude, connection, and ease. I know that when I am suffering, I curl up into myself and forget how to extend outward for help. I know that it’s normal to feel alone but it’s not helpful to pretend that it’s the whole truth. When I am unsure of how to bridge my sorrow with my strength, I remember to get curious, ask questions, and start the necessary research. I know that the more I allow myself to seek wisdom, the more easily it finds me. Like turning on a signal, being in relationship with the answers I need means putting myself out there instead of assuming they’ll show up when and how I want them to. - this is exactly what I needed. routine into ritual. if I forget that I am fucked. Reminders come when I need reminding.
. i love the nicknames the wild ones have for me. mamacat, momcat, chief ladybird, wolfmama. i love it. i really do. it makes me feel seen.
. watched a lightning storm that went on for hours. It must have started over the island because at first there was no thunder. As it got closer I could hear it. It was gorgeous and no storms like this is one of the things i miss about not living on the prairies.
. the luxury of massage therapy
. (un)well on netflix is basically 6 episodes of look how white people take what isn’t theirs and then royally fuck it up. It’s elitist and classist and ableist and fatphobic all the way. what a train wreck.
. why are we so quick to put all the healing on women and why are we so quick to lean towards silence to protect the ones who hurt us. don’t women have reputations? More on this when i am less tired.
. I over complicated it. fuck.
. back to basics. my work speaks and simple is a love language
. vorfreude definition: (n.) the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.