Your Favorite Self

Heretical Spells + Secret Investigations for the Good Life

Hibernate | Feral | Bewitched | Lust
Dec 21st, 2021-December 20th 2022

Image Description: green background with black stars, moons, branches, 4 grids in the center. Images are: top left - HIBERNATE: purple background with P.I.Peaches + Lola cuddling in a cave surrounded by gold moons + stars and black branches. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - HIBERNATE - DEC 21.2- TO MAR 20.22 | top right - FERAL: dark green background with white bear prints in the corners & black/green trees & white branches & lavender berries, Lola + Peaches dancing in the forest under a disco ball & silver stars. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - FERAL - MAR 21.22 TO JUN 20.22 | BEWITCHED: light turquoise background, a pool, with soft waves with watermelon slices in the corners, Lola is sitting sideways floating on a pink donut pool float + Peaches is wearing a grey & red bikini top floating on a tan & white striped pool floats. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - BEWITCHED - JUN 21.22 - SEP 20.22 | LUST: dark red background with lighter pink tiger stripes & red hearts in the corners, Lola & Peaches are sitting in a giant martini glass surrounded by white & clear bubbles. Peaches is wearing red heart shaped sunglasses + Lola is wearing red cat eye sunglasses. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - LUST - SEP 21.22 TO DEC 20.22. | Lola is a black fluffy cat and Peaches is a small Yorkie dog. Text on main image reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - HERETICAL SPELLS + SECRET INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE GOOD LIFE. HIBERNATE | FERAL | BEWITCHED | LUST Dec 21.21 to Dec 20.22



Want to hide out in a cave for three months and settle into all things comfort, ease, abundant self loyalty and the refusal to measure worth in what you get done in a day?
We’ve got you covered in our own cozy den. 

Restless to shake out of the domestication that tells you who you are supposed to be for every goddamn thing and settle into the satisfaction of you at your most natural self in an environment made just for you?
Look no further, feral kittens. 

Feeling like spending a summer at a pool party also known as our very own Kellerman’s where we all get to come as we are and hang out and play in our own practical magic?
Ride on over on because there is always plenty of room in the cabana. 

Need to re-imagine desire and want and let yourself remember who you are when you lust for what is most alive for you?
Pull up a chair because lust is our middle name. 

Want all of it and more, for the year, where we move into and out of the seasons solstice by solstice, taking our time, and letting ourselves have fun investigations and rest side by side?
We thought you’d never ask.



We are here to revel in the moods of the moons and our favorite selves, and to make magic and hilarity and whatever else we want along the way.

We say Your Favorite Self for a reason. Because we don’t believe you need to be your best self, your better self, your higher self, your improved self, or anything that requires transformation or makeover stories. We aren’t here for telling you how your life is sad and in need of a savior and we can sell you the solution with one click away.

What we do believe is that sometimes, because of socialization and all the things we learn that may or not be true for us, layers of sediment can grow around our ideas of who we are supposed to be, where we live constantly trying to improve and shrink at the same time, and there is a lot of love and satisfaction in learning and unlearning to see just who we are when we let ourselves want what we want and love what we love. Life may not always be easy and there are no promises of perfection, no matter how hard we may think that is what we are after. But there is so, so much here that is right here, as in right in front of us, that we believe is worth paying attention to and celebrating.

Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives... and to the “good life”, whatever it is and wherever it happens to be.
— Hunter S. Thompson

You can come for one Session, more than one session, or the whole Tour.  Because yay for consent, and choosing what is best for you. It’s entirely up to you.  They are divided by the Solstice and Equinox Seasons, like a good of coffee that is darker or lighter depending on how much cream you have poured into your cup. Because we want and need different things as we ebb and flow through our many moods. 

Learn more about each Session below, beginning with the upcoming Hibernation Session, because the Winter Solstice will always invite us to go inside and get as comfortable as possible so we can stay warm and rest well.



Resting in comfort, care, + real life self loyalty.

December 21, 2021 - March 20, 2022

Come spoon with us and relax into the coziness of winter like the bears you are.

Image Description: purple background with P.I.Peaches + Lola cuddling in a cave surrounded by gold moons + stars and black branches. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - HIBERNATE - DEC 21.2- TO MAR 20.22



This is not lifestyle gurus teaching you how to change your life or be a better or different person. This is not healthism that preaches a hierarchy of bodies where only some get afforded the benefits of care. This is not doing only what you want to do whenever you want to do it, at the expense of everyone else.

Self-loyalty is devotion to what YOU want, love, need, find comfort in, and enjoy regardless of trends or influence or shoulds or supposed to’s. Self loyalty is an understanding of what feels most like you, what feels most true to you, and then allowing yourself all of it. 

Covid has really changed things. Many of us spent more time inside our own homes than ever before last year, and as numbers surge again, this becomes reality for many again this winter. For others, this is always true, as we live with chronic illness and disability that means life is mostly housebound. Either way, we have found that after the shock of “lock down” seemed to wear off for many folks, there has been a general fatigue and malaise. Some call this burn out. What we don’t need is things that tell us to do more or fix things or show up every. single. day as the solution. In fact, this is all the more reason to have real rest because this is when ideas are born. Just like the bear cubs are born in hibernation and nurtured until they can roam free and feral, so are parts of our favorite selves. 

We think that in addition to bringing creativity and care to ourselves and our lives, including allowing for rest in the den, that we might as well set things up to have things as comfortable and cozy and enchanting as possible while hanging out here these darker months. If Covid and winter is keeping us indoors, then let’s turn our attention to how to be in this time in a way that lets us have our hibernation exactly as we want and need it, with all the proper accoutrements for our lives and needs. Let us have good stories and adventures we can experience from the comfort of our beds or curled up on the couch while watching snow fall. And that is what HIBERNATE is here for. Creating the good life that is entirely ours.



Warm beverages with crackling forest real or imagined. Twinkle lights. Anti self-improvement. Leg warmers. You centered vending machines where you put in quarters and have the just right things. Beautiful black out curtains like the ones in fancy hotels. Cats purring. Craft and art projects and stories that are not for public consumption. Naps. Re-watching all of your favorite movies. Playing gin runny all night by the fire. Wearing your ex’s fave sweatshirt that you kept because you are petty. Simmering cauldrons of soup. Talking to the moon. Never wondering if you have fallen behind.


If you are ready to go inside a cave and not come out for three months, because you know that good things grow in the dark where our imaginations live, and because when the light is less it makes sense to take extra care and go more slowly and take the time to be as comfortable as is possible, and because you are deserving of this kind of life where you get to have what you need even when you never leave your apartment, then this is for you. 

We will be spending time in delightful stories, and wrapping ourselves up in comfort and our hot beverages of choice while we gather together to offer our weekly pet peeve rants and our ways of self-loyalty as we let ourselves matter in our own lives. We will be setting down the need to be experts and success transformation stories and will revel in the pleasure of our small things and large things as defined by ourselves alone. We will be exploring all the magic that happens when we stay INSIDE our comfort zones, and the way old stories are sometimes ready to be tossed aside. 



  • Those who know there is space to be petty and in bad moods because this is entirely part of being human, and we entirely embrace that here, and also who experience life as something to be enjoyed as fully as possible in all the ways possible because why the hell not?

  • Humans who are here for the kind of comfort that is for everyone because we don’t leave others behind.

  • Humans

  • Those who want to rest and don’t care so much about learning something new right now as you are interested in being as comfortable as possible while living life in a way that makes you feel satisfied.

  • Those who want to hang out with us in a den talking about care and cozy things, Lola and Peaches, and who don’t need to stay up to date on anything or respond to every prompt.


  • 12 secret investigations and 12 heretical spells that arrive in your Inbox (two a week) that take us into stories and prompts that you can participate in as works for you, where we will explore Hibernation in all its glory, including recipes of care and some fabulous tales where there is nothing to do but enjoy them. We spot patterns and are always asking “who does this benefit” so we will regale you with the story of our secret investigations and then offer the heretical spells as an invitation to solving them. This is experience at your own pace with what you have and want kind of a thing, with time included for intentional rest and integration.

  • In Bed with Renee and Isabel: Six Live Video Calls Zoom calls with closed captioning (three weekend and three evening - dates will be in your welcome email) where we will gather together to connect in the den and talk about whatever we want to in that moment (These are accessible, meaning come as you wearing what you need, sitting or standing laying down as you need, no need to perform or please calls.)

  • Two special “spoonie” calls for disabled and chronically ill folks (one on a Tuesday evening and one on a weekend) where we can gather and connect in our own space and talk about the prompts or whatever else has come up during the weeks. Because we need and are deserving of our own spaces.

  • A Private Mighty Networks space where folks can connect online during the week if they want to chat, talk, share any writing from prompts from the week. We will pop in the group a couple times a week to read and respond and connect and post fun things. While we know many groups are still run on the good old facebook and some find it “easier”, we have chosen to step away at this time for a couple of reasons. One, not everyone wants to be on the socials right now, especially as we hibernate. Two, facebook is not a safe place for many people, and we are committed to mitigating harm where possible. Having a separate place to come be together is a plus in our book, as we want to be intentional about where we spend our time and energy and show up, without the barrage of other stimulus and advertising. Mighty Networks may have struggled in the beginning, but if you haven’t been on in a while, we encourage you to reconsider. It’s easy to navigate and you can participate from your computer or your phone with an app and we have created a secret space JUST for Your Favorite Self so there is no risk to posting in. the wrong area. The links in the email will take you directly there. Posting and engaging is simple, and we look forward to connecting with each of you in the cozy den we create.


  • Setting up the Den

  • Secret Agent Names

  • What makes something comfortable

  • Self-loyalty in the day to day

  • The small things that matter in big ways

  • The ritual of Gathering ourselves

  • Not needing to be the expert

  • What you need to care for yourself in the cold

  • Letting go of expectations

  • Our furry friends + and other comforts

  • Comfort Zones

  • Boundaries in our digital spaces

  • Rest and removing performance from our creating

  • Holidays and hard days that need extra love

  • Brightening up the Blahs

  • Seedlings

It will likely get irreverent and a bit raucous at times. We both enjoy being sexy. We are serious when it matters. And think we are funny. It may bring out a couple of ouches here and there, those moments when you see what is there and how much you have missed this part of yourself. And this is part of the magic too. The welcome home part, that is always available. It will also be a wicked fun time. 


3 MONTHS - Solstice to Equinox

December 2st - March 20th

Registrations Open Now closes December 21st for Hibernate


We offer a few different ways to join. The initial registration fee is $25.00 and we offer a monthly recurring fee of $99.00 / $79.00 / $49.00 USD. The registration fee is paid when you join and the first monthly payment comes out the December 21, 2021. Subsequent payments are monthly on the 21st for 3 months if you join HIBERNATION, or 12 months if you join for a full year of YOUR FAVORITE SELF. When you join you will be asked to make the commitment to stay for the months you selected because being together in community is gorgeous self loyalty.

Why all the different price points? We think that the wellness and coaching communities have a tendency to price things in a way that makes it inaccessible to the people that need it most. Black folk, Indigenous folk, single moms, folks with disability/chronic illness, and trans women typically have lower incomes than other folks. This disparity is directly due to systemic oppression, patriarchy, ableism, and transphobia. Tiered pricing reflects that disparity.

*Community care is where it’s at. When we redistribute our income and share what we have and what is here, we make for the livable lives of others. Everyone receives the same content and access at each level because we believe that is the way. If you are a human with financial stability and you want to experience community care by offering to those living with financial stressors while trying to live in our white supremist ableist society, you can purchase at the Community Care Fund Level. 

If you want to contribute to community care in your own way donations can be sent via PayPal HERE
When making a donation, please leave a note that says it is from Your Favorite Self Fund Community Care.

What price point do I choose? We ask that you choose the level that is comfortable for you. One of the things we love about our communities is we are anti-capitalist in the ways we can be, we are committed to social justice, and there is a level of trust and honesty that we all abide by. When we say “choose the level that is comfortable for you” that goes along with the trust we have for the people we gather with. We trust you will make a conscious choice. It is one of the reasons we don’t have people “apply”. You know what you need and you know what you can afford. We trust that you will choose the tier that is best for you and we don’t require an explanation on that choice. We are not policing the level you choose because that goes against everything this course represents and does not reflect the community that will gather.

If you are here, we hope you are familiar with our body of work , or have been recommended by someone who is, so you know what we stand for and what we are committed to. One of our commitments is to make this a fabulous and fun experience for you. Money is not an indication of worth or value like society wants us to believe. At every level, all of us benefit. Remember that Your Favorite Self is a place that is free of judgment and shame - because the patriarchy and our ableist culture loves to judge and shame us - and the tiered pricing is the start of un-programming that.

To borrow a disclaimer from Randi Buckley: If you are interested in Your Favorite Self because you feel manipulated, a fear of missing out, false scarcity, or that any hesitation you have is “just an excuse and means you don’t want it badly enough”, please do not join, as we don’t want to be a part of, or participate in, creating that experience for you, because it’s not true. That feeling is because wellness marketing is usually predatory and manipulative and we are not.

If Your Favorite Self speaks to you on a level that feels familiar we would love to have you! Part of our way of honouring boundaries is that you feel respected from the very beginning.








If you need a different level of access, or a community care seat, please email us.

We want you here and we want to make this happen for you.

Canadian Folks, we got you! Email for an exchange rate code.




Breaking Down the Status Quo +
Who you were before everything else got in the way

March 21st - June 20th


Come frolic in the shimmer of spring and be the naughty feral bear cubs you are.

Image Description: FERAL: dark green background with white bear prints in the corners & black/green trees & white branches & lavender berries, Lola + Peaches dancing in the forest under a disco ball & silver stars. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - FERAL - MAR 21.22 TO JUN 20.22



We are all about the you that is you at your most Youness. The natural you. Naturally, this word itself can come with a lot of domestication as to what exactly we mean when we say “natural.” Do we mean never wear makeup? Or only eat certain foods? An image? An idea? A mood? The thing is, we are all told from very young ages who we are, who we should be, and what we should do and not do. Layer after layer of this happens until we don’t know who we are under these layers. Some of the socialization is shared, and some of it is unique to our identities, cultures, and places of location. And then later in life, we are told that we shouldn’t be those things, like timid or shy or closed, but we should be this other thing over here, like badass or inspirational or bold. And seriously, what the hell? Why does someone else at all get to say this or define this? Who appointed them the deciders?

Here in Your Favorite Self we define natural as you doing what comes most naturally to you.
The you before all the other ideas from voices not your own got in the way. Sometimes it can take a bit of weed whacking to find what that feels like, but it is not because it is something “out there” that has to be found, as in “finding yourself.” Nope. We are firmly planted in the let’s just examine our domestication and locate our already feral selves and see what they want because there is a very good chance there are keys here to living a life - the good life - that feels the way you want to feel. Not to everything working out or quick fixes or guaranteed outcomes. But you coming to be in the center of your own life. Because it is where we all belong.



Lush. Frivolous as we want to be. Bite marks and green grass stains. That time of year when all the rabbits start fucking everywhere and all the time. When the ground moves. Lilacs and lovers. Disco dancing in the forest with the bear cubs. Listening to your old vinyl singing as loud as you can remembering who you are. Staying weird. Road trips with no destination and windows rolled down with music loud. Cut-offs and halter tops. Your feet finally in flip flops. The wonder of cherry blossoms and pink snow. Trusting your gut. Hands in the dirt. Nature as medicine. Laughing til you cry cause this is a good life. Bonfires on a beach. The sound of a solid no.


If you want to rumble with your own youness, peel off some of those layers of learning that happened through the years and examine what really belongs, live life as who you are at your most natural self whether that is in a pandemic, at work, in your relationships or drinking a cup of a coffee, then this feral disco is entirely for you. 

We will become our very own private investigators of the learning we’ve accumulated over the years not to condemn ourselves but to set ourselves free. We will break down the status quo that says you can want this but not this, or that success means a certain thing or that capitalism is the cure when we know it is the disease. We will have parties, and we will express ourselves, and we will all go entirely at our own pace because there is nothing natural about comparing ourselves to others and that’s just not something we ever need to do here.



  • Humans

  • Humans who feel domesticated and want to become acquainted with their undomesticated self.

  • Humans who are restless for unlearning the messages that have dominated the naming of themselves by others and their socialization.

  • Humans who revel in their meness and humans who feel a little disconnected from that natural sense of meness and want to follow the breadcrumb trail they have left over the years towards what they already know.

  • Those who live for secret messages and big reveals and small quiet moments that most barely notice but inside you they can change the entire trajectory of everything.


  • 12 secret investigations and 12 heretical spells that arrive in your Inbox (two a week) that take us into stories and prompts that you can participate in as works for you, where we will explore going Feral in all its ferine magic. We spot patterns and are always asking “who does this benefit” so we will regale you with the story of our secret investigations and then offer the heretical spells as an invitation to solving them. This is experience at your own pace with what you have and want kind of a thing, with time included for intentional rest and integration.

  • In Bed with Renee and Isabel: Six Live Video Calls Zoom calls with closed captioning (three weekend and three evening - dates will be in your welcome email) where we will gather together to connect in the den and talk about whatever we want to in that moment (These are accessible, meaning come as you wearing what you need, sitting or standing laying down as you need, no need to perform or please calls.)

  • Two special “spoonie” calls for disabled and chronically ill folks (one on a Tuesday evening and one on a weekend) where we can gather and connect in our own space and talk about the prompts or whatever else has come up during the weeks. Because we need and are deserving of our own spaces.

  • A Private Mighty Networks space where folks can connect online during the week if they want to chat, talk, share any writing from prompts from the week. We will pop in the group a couple times a week to read and respond and connect and post fun things. While we know many groups are still run on the good old facebook and some find it “easier”, we have chosen to step away at this time for a couple of reasons. One, not everyone wants to be on the socials right now, especially as we hibernate. Two, facebook is not a safe place for many people, and we are committed to mitigating harm where possible. Having a separate place to come be together is a plus in our book, as we want to be intentional about where we spend our time and energy and show up, without the barrage of other stimulus and advertising. Mighty Networks may have struggled in the beginning, but if you haven’t been on in a while, we encourage you to reconsider. It’s easy to navigate and you can participate from your computer or your phone with an app and we have created a secret space JUST for Your Favorite Self so there is no risk to posting in. the wrong area. The links in the email will take you directly there. Posting and engaging is simple, and we look forward to connecting with each of you in the secret headquarters we create.


  • Your environment

  • The Ten Commandments You Learned and the Ones you get to Create

  • You Don’t Have to Be Wild to Go Feral

  • On Not Requiring We Sell Our Own Stories to Become Real

  • Who Gets to Decide What is Fun

  • Aesthetic that Feels Like You in All Ways

  • Self-Loyalty

  • What We Can Control and What we Cannot

  • Defining Satisfaction

  • Who Gets Excluded in “Come as You Are”

  • Falling in Love

  • Doing Less and also What you Want (You are Not What You Can Get Done in a Day)

  • The ableism of self-help

  • Trying Things

  • Many faces, Many facets

  • Creating Moods

It will likely get irreverent and a bit raucous at times. We both enjoy being sexy. We are serious when it matters. We spot patterns for a living. And think we are funny. It may bring out a couple of ouches here and there, those moments when you see what is there and how much you have missed this part of yourself. And this is part of the magic too. The welcome home part, that is always available. It will also be a wicked fun time. Because this matters.


3 MONTHS - Solstice to Equinox

 March 21st -June 20th

Registrations Open December 22nd, 2021 - closes March 21st, 2022


We offer a few different ways to join. The initial registration fee is $25.00 and we offer a monthly recurring fee of $99.00 / $79.00 / $49.00 USD. The registration fee is paid when you join and the first monthly payment comes out March 21, 2022. Subsequent payments are monthly on the 21st for 3 months if you just join FERAL, or 9 months if you join for the remainder of YOUR FAVORITE SELF . When you join you will be asked to make the commitment to stay for the months you selected because being together in community is gorgeous self loyalty.

Why all the different price points? We think that the wellness and coaching communities have a tendency to price things in a way that makes it inaccessible to the people that need it most. Black folk, Indigenous folk, single moms, folks with disability/chronic illness, and trans women typically have lower incomes than other folks. This disparity is directly due to systemic oppression, patriarchy, ableism, and transphobia. Tiered pricing reflects that disparity.

*Community care is where it’s at. When we redistribute our income and share what we have and what is here, we make for the livable lives of others. Everyone receives the same content and access at each level because we believe that is the way. If you are a human with financial stability and you want to experience community care by offering to those living with financial stressors while trying to live in our white supremist ableist society, you can purchase at the Community Care Fund Level. 

If you want to contribute to community care in your own way donations can be sent via PayPal HERE
When making a donation, please leave a note that says it is from Your Favorite Self Fund Community Care.

What price point do I choose? We ask that you choose the level that is comfortable for you. One of the things we love about our communities is we are anti-capitalist in the ways we can be, we are committed to social justice, and there is a level of trust and honesty that we all abide by. When we say “choose the level that is comfortable for you” that goes along with the trust we have for the people we gather with. We trust you will make a conscious choice. It is one of the reasons we don’t have people “apply”. You know what you need and you know what you can afford. We trust that you will choose the tier that is best for you and we don’t require an explanation on that choice. We are not policing the level you choose because that goes against everything this course represents and does not reflect the community that will gather.

If you are here, we hope you are familiar with our body of work , or have been recommended by someone who is, so you know what we stand for and what we are committed to. One of our commitments is to make this a fabulous and fun experience for you. Money is not an indication of worth or value like society wants us to believe. At every level, all of us benefit. Remember that Your Favorite Self is a place that is free of judgment and shame - because the patriarchy and our ableist culture loves to judge and shame us - and the tiered pricing is the start of un-programming that.

To borrow a disclaimer from Randi Buckley: If you are interested in Your Favorite Self because you feel manipulated, a fear of missing out, false scarcity, or that any hesitation you have is “just an excuse and means you don’t want it badly enough”, please do not join, as we don’t want to be a part of, or participate in, creating that experience for you, because it’s not true. That feeling is because wellness marketing is usually predatory and manipulative and we are not.

If Your Favorite Self speaks to you on a level that feels familiar we would love to have you! Part of our way of honouring boundaries is that you feel respected from the very beginning.








If you need a different level of access, or a community care seat, please email us.

We want you here and we want to make this happen for you.

Canadian Folks, we got you! Email for an exchange rate code.




Practical Magic + Real Life Enchantment

June 21st - September 20th


Come enjoy the lushness of summer and be the bewitching creative cats and kittens you are.

Image Description: light turquoise background, a pool, with soft waves with watermelon slices in the corners, Lola is sitting sideways floating on a pink donut pool float + Peaches is wearing a grey & red bikini top floating on a tan & white striped pool floats. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - BEWITCHED - JUN 21.22 - SEP 20.22



This is not witches teaching you how to be a witch. Or life designers telling you how to live. There are many places to do so, and we are neither qualified nor called.

Practical magic is not a how-to, a set of skills, a certain way of doing things. It is not certain rituals, spells, or things you have to learn in order to earn a title. It is about you knowing you, and living and expressing the wisdom of that in small and not so small ways in your real lived life.

It is life being life and knowing that no one can live it or love it exactly like you, and your own wisdom and innate style.

I have my own practical magic, the kind that comes from lived experience, and irreverent humor, and illness, and v-necks cut dangerously low, and the ocean, and note keeping, and a couple of good cocktail recipes. It feels impossible to define entirely, and I think this is what makes it magic. It is where my creating lives, and this is everything. It also wants attention, to be cared for, loved, and fed, so as to deepen into more enchantment and wonder.
— Isabel Abbott
My practical magic comes alive in black mascara, vintage slips and kimono robes, and the wonder found in secret messages, unlikely animal friendships, and a really good bass line. It lives in cherry blossoms, peacock feathers, and understanding that heat from fire and sun changes me. It feels like wild enchantment and lust and a deep intimate knowing that is my creativity and sense of humor is my compass and lens for what is now, and then, and next.
— Renee Magnusson


Sipping iced tea and playing checkers by the pool. The kind of magic our Grandmothers did that no one called magic but that’s exactly what it was. Pink sunsets and star filled nights. Terry cloth jumpers and nothing that is too tight or asks too much of us. Fireflies and wildflowers.Reading old school paperbacks with your phone off. Drive in movies. Making out. Staying up past midnight wearing nothing but the moonlight. Whispered conversations til dawn. Sweet ritual. Porch swings and park sitting. Skinny dipping in the sun. Watermelon. Being enchanted by the good life.


If you are ready to see what kind of delight and creativity lives inside of you and your daily life or want to shed what needs shedding and slip into a skinny dip of being in the discovery of what is human and imaginative, then this is for you. We will be spending time in the cenotes of finding beauty in the ordinary, discovering what it is to become re-enchanted with ourselves and the world around us, setting up solid structures of honoring our needs and boundaries, spending time in our lives right in front of us which is our homes and our wardrobes and our words and our words and routines. We will be finding magic in unexpected places not because it is out there is some far off place but because it right in front of us in the shape of crystals that come from the salt water of tears, and the the tributes we make for what is no longer, and the things we cannot stop thinking about, and the way we will no longer live without rose water.



  • Humans who are interested in learning about and loving their own own particular magic, those things they know, and do, and are. Who don’t want a blueprint telling them how it’s done but want a fabulous beach house where we gather to tell each other how we are finding it as we fall in love with our own magic making ways.

  • Humans who know that the enchantment is in the details.

  • Humans

  • Some people refer to themselves as witch adjacent, meaning not witches, but a lover of the kind of magic that knows how to make something happen, the kind of magic that comes from the deep wisdom of living disabled and sick, the kind of magic that knows how to care and that we don’t leave people behind and that it is okay to wear white whenever you want. 


  • 12 secret investigations and 12 heretical spells that arrive in your Inbox (two a week) that take us into stories and prompts that you can participate in as works for you, where we will explore practical magic and real life enchantment together. We spot patterns and are always asking “who does this benefit” so we will regale you with the story of our secret investigations and then offer the heretical spells as an invitation to solving them. This is experience at your own pace with what you have and want kind of a thing, with time included for intentional rest and integration.

  • In Bed with Renee and Isabel: Six Live Video Calls Zoom calls with closed captioning (three weekend and three evening - dates will be in your welcome email) where we will gather together to connect in the den and talk about whatever we want to in that moment (These are accessible, meaning come as you wearing what you need, sitting or standing laying down as you need, no need to perform or please calls.)

  • Two special “spoonie” calls for disabled and chronically ill folks (one on a Tuesday evening and one on a weekend) where we can gather and connect in our own space and talk about the prompts or whatever else has come up during the weeks. Because we need and are deserving of our own spaces.

  • A Private Mighty Networks space where folks can connect online during the week if they want to chat, talk, share any writing from prompts from the week. We will pop in the group a couple times a week to read and respond and connect and post fun things. While we know many groups are still run on the good old facebook and some find it “easier”, we have chosen to step away at this time for a couple of reasons. One, not everyone wants to be on the socials right now, especially as we hibernate. Two, facebook is not a safe place for many people, and we are committed to mitigating harm where possible. Having a separate place to come be together is a plus in our book, as we want to be intentional about where we spend our time and energy and show up, without the barrage of other stimulus and advertising. Mighty Networks may have struggled in the beginning, but if you haven’t been on in a while, we encourage you to reconsider. It’s easy to navigate and you can participate from your computer or your phone with an app and we have created a secret space JUST for Your Favorite Self so there is no risk to posting in. the wrong area. The links in the email will take you directly there. Posting and engaging is simple, and we look forward to connecting with each of you at the pool party we create.


  • What are you thirsty for?

  • How do you want to be Fed?

  • Routines as Ritual

  • Marking Special Occasions

  • Our furry Friends

  • Talismans and Special Objects

  • Wonder + Devotion

  • Tributes

  • Impossible truths

  • Delight

  • Practically without a blueprint

  • Loving the details

  • Naming Access Needs

  • Making space for Desire

  • Enchantment 

  • Letting ourselves Go all the way

  • Using What we Have: the magic of not disposing

  • Muses

  • Apartments, Houses, Dream Homes, Spaces

  • Land

  • Clothing

  • Style

  • Spare Time

  • The Senses

It will likely get irreverent and a bit raucous at times. We both enjoy being sexy. We are serious when it matters. And think we are funny. It may bring out a couple of ouches here and there, those moments when you see what is there and how much you have missed this part of yourself. And this is part of the magic too. The welcome home part, that is always available. It will also be a wicked fun time.


3 MONTHS - Solstice to Equinox

June 21st - September 20th

Registrations Open March 22nd, 2022 - closes June 21st, 2022


We offer a few different ways to join. The initial registration fee is $25.00 and we offer a monthly recurring fee of $99.00 / $79.00 / $49.00 USD. The registration fee is paid when you join and the first monthly payment comes out June 21, 2022. Subsequent payments are monthly on the 21st for 3 months if you just join BEWITCHED, or 6months if you join for a full year of YOUR FAVORITE SELF. When you join you will be asked to make the commitment to stay for the months you selected because being together in community is gorgeous self loyalty.

Why all the different price points? We think that the wellness and coaching communities have a tendency to price things in a way that makes it inaccessible to the people that need it most. Black folk, Indigenous folk, single moms, folks with disability/chronic illness, and trans women typically have lower incomes than other folks. This disparity is directly due to systemic oppression, patriarchy, ableism, and transphobia. Tiered pricing reflects that disparity.

*Community care is where it’s at. When we redistribute our income and share what we have and what is here, we make for the livable lives of others. Everyone receives the same content and access at each level because we believe that is the way. If you are a human with financial stability and you want to experience community care by offering to those living with financial stressors while trying to live in our white supremist ableist society, you can purchase at the Community Care Fund Level. 

If you want to contribute to community care in your own way donations can be sent via PayPal HERE
When making a donation, please leave a note that says it is from Your Favorite Self Fund Community Care.

What price point do I choose? We ask that you choose the level that is comfortable for you. One of the things we love about our communities is we are anti-capitalist in the ways we can be, we are committed to social justice, and there is a level of trust and honesty that we all abide by. When we say “choose the level that is comfortable for you” that goes along with the trust we have for the people we gather with. We trust you will make a conscious choice. It is one of the reasons we don’t have people “apply”. You know what you need and you know what you can afford. We trust that you will choose the tier that is best for you and we don’t require an explanation on that choice. We are not policing the level you choose because that goes against everything this course represents and does not reflect the community that will gather.

If you are here, we hope you are familiar with our body of work , or have been recommended by someone who is, so you know what we stand for and what we are committed to. One of our commitments is to make this a fabulous and fun experience for you. Money is not an indication of worth or value like society wants us to believe. At every level, all of us benefit. Remember that Your Favorite Self is a place that is free of judgment and shame - because the patriarchy and our ableist culture loves to judge and shame us - and the tiered pricing is the start of un-programming that.

To borrow a disclaimer from Randi Buckley: If you are interested in Your Favorite Self because you feel manipulated, a fear of missing out, false scarcity, or that any hesitation you have is “just an excuse and means you don’t want it badly enough”, please do not join, as we don’t want to be a part of, or participate in, creating that experience for you, because it’s not true. That feeling is because wellness is usually predatory and manipulative and we are not.

If Your Favorite Self speaks to you on a level that feels familiar we would love to have you! Part of our way of honouring boundaries is that you feel respected from the very beginning.








If you need a different level of access, or a community care seat, please email us.

We want you here and we want to make this happen for you.

Canadian Folks, we got you! Email for an exchange rate code.




Lighting up the Runway of Your Life +
Letting Yourself Love What you Love

September 21st - December 20th


Come shimmy into fall wild and wanton like the wicked cats and kittens you are.

Image Description: dark red background with lighter pink tiger stripes & red hearts in the corners, Lola & Peaches are sitting in a giant martini glass surrounded by white & clear bubbles. Peaches is wearing red heart shaped sunglasses + Lola is wearing red cat eye sunglasses. Text reads: YOUR FAVORITE SELF - LUST - SEP 21.22 TO DEC 20.22


Lust gets a bad rap. It is, according to some stories, the downfall of people and civilizations and that which is our baser selves full of envy and greed and up to no good. In our book, which is a perfect paperback that you want to read again and again by the pool or late at night in bed, lust is what keeps us alive and our hearts pumping blood and the heat of what we live for. It ignites visions and propels our making and acts as a compass which points us toward our favorite selves, again and again. 

There is nothing wrong with you for being a creature who wants. Who has hunger. Who likes what you like. Who is excited about the things you are excited about. Who is uncool enough to get wildly excited about all the things. Who has particular taste and turns away from most things because you don’t need to fill up with stuff for the sake of stuff when you are attuned to what is on your lust list. Who falls in love. Love and lust belong together, and the fact that we hold that as opposed says more about our education than our innate knowing. Because lust is that part of us that lights up in an instant and knows when and how to go all the way. 

And what this looks like will be entirely different for everyone. That is what we love most.  “Why not?” we often ask. Why not eat cake for breakfast. Why not ask for the thing we want in a relationship. Why not have the party we want. Why not turn down the invitation when we do not want to go. Why not say yes. Why not say no. Why not become enchanted by this one life that is here to be lived with all its strangeness, and its rattan and vintage gorgeousness, and cocktail tables that make our heart swoon, and the utter satisfaction of a really good mattress topper.



Gold jewelry and bare feet. P.I. Peaches in a bikini. Waiting nine years to find the perfect pair of scissors. Pink foam rollers and a hair scarf, sitting outside on the lawn chair. Moon charts. Candelabras and wicked delights. Striking poses. That space between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder. Pleasure. Sweet nothings and little somethings. Coveting. Choosing to keep it simple. Secret messages and living in obsession. The perfect velvet sectional. Learning French. Gathering your coven. Caftans and gin. Knowing your sweet spots. Saying I choose me.


If you want to get serious about what has once been considered frivolous, and have a hell of a good time even when it might get uncomfortable asking questions as to where that learning originated, then shimmy on over because this is the sweet spot that we can’t get enough of. We will delight in the ordinary and light up the spectacular, as defined and lived by you, your favorite self. We will have scavenger hunts and dip our toes or run wild, whatever your pace, in our deepest fantasies. We will throw away ideas of how it is supposed to look, and settle into what is possible.



  • Humans who want to experience sparks of enchantment in the here and now of life, as it is, because why not?

  • Those who live for secret messages and big reveals and small quiet moments that most barely notice but inside you they can change the entire trajectory of everything.

  • Humans

  • Humans who want to allow themselves to want.

  • Humans who sometimes get tangled up in what the world says they should want and forget they are allowed to like what they like.


  • 12 secret investigations and 12 heretical spells that arrive in your Inbox (two a week) that take us into stories and prompts that you can participate in as works for you, where we will love on our own relationship with desire. We spot patterns and are always asking “who does this benefit” so we will regale you with the story of our secret investigations and then offer the heretical spells as an invitation to solving them. This is experience at your own pace with what you have and want kind of a thing, with time included for intentional rest and integration.

  • In Bed with Renee and Isabel: Six Live Video Calls Zoom calls with closed captioning (three weekend and three evening - dates will be in your welcome email) where we will gather together to connect in the den and talk about whatever we want to in that moment (These are accessible, meaning come as you wearing what you need, sitting or standing laying down as you need, no need to perform or please calls.)

  • Two special “spoonie” calls for disabled and chronically ill folks (one on a Tuesday evening and one on a weekend) where we can gather and connect in our own space and talk about the prompts or whatever else has come up during the weeks. Because we need and are deserving of our own spaces.

  • A Private Mighty Networks space where folks can connect online during the week if they want to chat, talk, share any writing from prompts from the week. We will pop in the group a couple times a week to read and respond and connect and post fun things. While we know many groups are still run on the good old facebook and some find it “easier”, we have chosen to step away at this time for a couple of reasons. One, not everyone wants to be on the socials right now, especially as we hibernate. Two, facebook is not a safe place for many people, and we are committed to mitigating harm where possible. Having a separate place to come be together is a plus in our book, as we want to be intentional about where we spend our time and energy and show up, without the barrage of other stimulus and advertising. Mighty Networks may have struggled in the beginning, but if you haven’t been on in a while, we encourage you to reconsider. It’s easy to navigate and you can participate from your computer or your phone with an app and we have created a secret space JUST for Your Favorite Self so there is no risk to posting in. the wrong area. The links in the email will take you directly there. Posting and engaging is simple, and we look forward to connecting with each of you at the disco we create.


  • Not getting what you want doesn’t mean it’s not worth wanting

  • Feelings as weather

  • Clearing out

  • Why Our Stuff Matters

  • Cleaning Rituals: love what you have

  • Where our Ideas of “High Maintenance” really come from

  • “Frivolous” goals

  • Meme magic

  • Scavenger hunts of your own secret messages

  • What the world sells as wildest fantasies vs what you really want

  • A closet worth keeping

  • The thrill of the hunt: aka the love of anticipation

  • Amor Fati: love your fate

  • What Lives Inside Your Wildest Fantasies.

It will likely get irreverent and a bit raucous at times. We both enjoy being sexy. We are serious when it matters. And think we are funny. It may bring out a couple of ouches here and there, those moments when you see what is there and how much you have missed this part of yourself. And this is part of the magic too. The welcome home part, that is always available. It will also be a wicked fun time


3 MONTHS - Solstice to Equinox

September 21st - December 20th

Registrations Open June 22nd, 2022 - closes September 21st, 2022


We offer a few different ways to join. The initial registration fee is $25.00 and we offer a monthly recurring fee of $99.00 / $79.00 / $49.00 USD. The registration fee is paid when you join and the first monthly payment comes out September 21, 2022. Subsequent payments are monthly on the 21st for 3 months for LUST. When you join you will be asked to make the commitment to stay for the months you selected because being together in community is gorgeous self loyalty.

Why all the different price points? We think that the wellness and coaching communities have a tendency to price things in a way that makes it inaccessible to the people that need it most. Black folk, Indigenous folk, single moms, folks with disability/chronic illness, and trans women typically have lower incomes than other folks. This disparity is directly due to systemic oppression, patriarchy, ableism, and transphobia. Tiered pricing reflects that disparity.

*Community care is where it’s at. When we redistribute our income and share what we have and what is here, we make for the livable lives of others. Everyone receives the same content and access at each level because we believe that is the way. If you are a human with financial stability and you want to experience community care by offering to those living with financial stressors while trying to live in our white supremist ableist society, you can purchase at the Community Care Fund Level. 

If you want to contribute to community care in your own way donations can be sent via PayPal HERE
When making a donation, please leave a note that says it is from Your Favorite Self Fund Community Care.

What price point do I choose? We ask that you choose the level that is comfortable for you. One of the things we love about our communities is we are anti-capitalist in the ways we can be, we are committed to social justice, and there is a level of trust and honesty that we all abide by. When we say “choose the level that is comfortable for you” that goes along with the trust we have for the people we gather with. We trust you will make a conscious choice. It is one of the reasons we don’t have people “apply”. You know what you need and you know what you can afford. We trust that you will choose the tier that is best for you and we don’t require an explanation on that choice. We are not policing the level you choose because that goes against everything this course represents and does not reflect the community that will gather.

If you are here, we hope you are familiar with our body of work , or have been recommended by someone who is, so you know what we stand for and what we are committed to. One of our commitments is to make this a fabulous and fun experience for you. Money is not an indication of worth or value like society wants us to believe. At every level, all of us benefit. Remember that Your Favorite Self is a place that is free of judgment and shame - because the patriarchy and our ableist culture loves to judge and shame us - and the tiered pricing is the start of un-programming that.

To borrow a disclaimer from Randi Buckley: If you are interested in Your Favorite Self because you feel manipulated, a fear of missing out, false scarcity, or that any hesitation you have is “just an excuse and means you don’t want it badly enough”, please do not join, as we don’t want to be a part of, or participate in, creating that experience for you, because it’s not true. That feeling is because wellness is usually predatory and manipulative and we are not.

If Your Favorite Self speaks to you on a level that feels familiar we would love to have you! Part of our way of honouring boundaries is that you feel respected from the very beginning.

REGISTER FOR LUST *opens June 22, 2022



If you need a different level of access, or a community care seat, please email us.

We want you here and we want to make this happen for you.

Canadian Folks, we got you! Email for an exchange rate code.



Isabel Abbott

You can read a longer bio HERE

But what might you want to know about me and being in Your Favorite Self? 

I am a queer disabled artist with a love for dirty and beautiful things. 

I have many years of working with folks (art making, sex work, community building, birth and death work) and I have just as much lived experience knowing that job titles don't mean shit because we are not what we do and ableism will tie us in knots telling us that we must attach our value to our function and ability to perform and I refuse. I have a bit of a fascination with my neck wrinkles at the moment, I devour mystery detective paperbacks by the pool, and I am a joyfully unrepentant secularist. I have a life long love affair with the details, and aesthetics, and transgressing normativity to come alive.


Renee Magnusson

You can read a longer bio HERE

But what might you want to know about me and being in your Favorite Self?

I am a holistic life coach & writer who loves the details and lives in obsession.

I have a decade of un-programming the language and culture of this patriarchal society we live in and my life motto is “we are not here for YOU”. I believe in reclamation of sin, reinvention, and that it is time for a revolution. I spot patterns for a living and have never gone down a rabbit hole I didn’t enjoy. I pray to pink sky and full moons. Think of me as your middle aged eccentric witch (adjacent) Aunt who is sexy and wicked and really funny, who knows how to keep a secret, has mad 70’s style, and always makes you feel loved just as you are.

Image Description: an art collage made by artist Stacy de La Rosa. A photograph of Renee from the chest up, wearing a dark orange color shirt with a white shawl over her shoulder and her brown hair feathered around face in perfect seventies style, like it is blowing in the wind. She is looking directly into the camera. There is a moon around her face and gold glitter, with green leaves and the etchings of roses. To the right of her shoulder is the silhouette of a black cat, and to her left are three peacock feathers with the typed out words on scraps of paper over them that read” “she is like a cat in the dark and then she is the darkness”.

Image Description: a photo art collage (by artist Stacy de La Rosa) with a photograph of Isabel wearing dark blue jeans and a black tank top rest on their knees with their hands in their front pockets. They are wearing dark coloured bracelets, have dark long hair, and you can see one small tattoo on their hand. Large white wings come out from behind them and above them is the night sky with all the stages of the moon. Around that are many flowers, and there are marigold flowers down by their left knee.





Isabel + Renee

PS: We love giving credit so big love to Carmen Leah at Pink Kloud Creative for the image & Stacy De La Rosa for the enchanted collages.